
Moment in Focus

Moment in Focus is a Photography brand that specializes in Wedding, Pre-wedding and Portrait photography while also having great experience in Product Photography. The team is very experienced and have been working in this field for quite a long time. They also have worked with some well-known brands like BMW, Tata, Mercedes, etc.

Things we worked on :
How the idea Stuck our Client

A Business card is one of the most important thing after your Instagram handle if you are a Photographer. Upon realizing that most of the people they meet in weddings aren’t on Instagram, they decided to make a business card that right away portrays their work to the client with the contact details in it.

How did the Client find Liftup?

After loving our previous work (Logo Desining), client again reached out to us for designing a Business Card that would suit their Identity and make it easy for them to portray their work without any hassle. 

What our client sought?

The ultimate goal of the client was to attract the audience that isn’t on Instagram so that they do not loose out on them. This being quite small thing, it was really important that the business card we create was good looking and easy to understand as the audience we were targeting was not that young or keen about technology.  

Final Strategy

After trying couple of designs and rejecting them all, we had to try something that would fit exactly into clients expectations and fulfil the needs of his target market. 

After a couple of trials, we finally reached onto a design that was something different but showcased all the important work of the client in one card with the contact details as per the client requirements.  


After designing the Business Card and printing it, client started using in his events and started getting more clients as this card had some of the clients best photography work which attracted more and more people. 

Got an Amazing Idea in Mind for your next Project? 

Email us at and get your FREE CONSULTATION today!

Other Projects

Family Tree

Family Tree is a concept where we get to know more about our entire family, our previous generations and our relations with them.

Eleone Engineering

Eleone Engineering recently started with their new product “Infrared Camera” that tracks body temperature of the entire crowd at once.